Scolari Baby Blog

A short and hopefully entertaining summary of our pregnancy and birth. Includes pictures.

Sunday, June 05, 2005

Week 37 – I made it!

Newbie is officially considered full-term. Which means if I were to give birth today, the baby would not be considered pre-mature. Some days… I feel more than ready to have Newbie. The physical discomforts of late pregnancy have arrived. My ankles and feet are swelling (especially towards the end of the day), I’m getting some back pain and sleeping has become difficult. Actually, I can sleep just fine once I get into bed. Unfortunately, I don’t stay asleep very long because I need to go to the bathroom every two hours, which isn’t any fun.

Dave and I are pretty much set as far as being prepared for the baby. The nursery is ready, the car seat is installed and my hospital bag is waiting by the door. We still have a few things to do, like select music to bring to the hospital and pack the ice-chest full of labor foods (ice chips, Popsicles, food for Dave). But we can go without those things if needed. It’s very odd to wake up every morning and think, “this could be the day”.