Scolari Baby Blog

A short and hopefully entertaining summary of our pregnancy and birth. Includes pictures.

Sunday, May 01, 2005

Week 32 – 8 months down/ 8 weeks left

I can't believe its Month 8! As of now, I’ve gained 30 pounds (ok, its on the high side of normal but its not crazy high). Luckily, almost all the weight is in my belly. I may be huge, but I’m healthy (blood pressure – 114/68, sugar levels great, protein levels great, etc.).

Dave and I selected a pediatrician this week. If possible, I highly recommend choosing a pediatrician before baby is born because you will see him/her A LOT during the first two years. The last thing you want is to have a bad rapport with your baby’s doctor.

Finally, we had the Northern California baby shower at my Mom’s house. What can I say? It was a baby shower with a twist. It was co-ed, my Mom served Moroccan food and instead of talking baby stuff we discussed the new Star Wars movie. It was terrific seeing my friends again (probably for the last time before Newbie arrives). Again, everyone was very generous with their gift giving (thanks guys).

Next Week: Child Birth classes begin.