Scolari Baby Blog

A short and hopefully entertaining summary of our pregnancy and birth. Includes pictures.

Sunday, March 27, 2005

Week 27 – End Game (Third Trimester Begins)

The week started with my first Braxton-Hicks contraction. Basically, my uterus is now doing “practice” contractions in preparation for labor. I was lying in bed and felt the bottom half of my stomach tighten for about 30 seconds. It wasn’t painful (although it could be) but it did wake me up. It blows my mind what the human body does to create, sustain and deliver new life.

I also had another doc appointment. I did very well this month; I only gained 4 ½ pounds. Also, I got tested for gestational diabetes (don’t know the results yet). Best of all, we met with another mid-wife. If all continues to proceed nicely…I definitely want a mid-wife birth.

On a sour note: I despise Babies R Us. Dave and I drove 40 minutes to BRU to purchase a crib only to discover that the crib we selected a month ago is now discontinued. We found another model (more $$$ of course) and bought it. In another stroke of bad luck, the box was too big to fit into our truck and they do not offer delivery services. So we had to return the crib. It wouldn’t have been so bad had the staff been friendlier. I plan to purchase the crib from Amazon. Also, I plan to transfer my registry from Babies R Us to Target. I haven’t had a pleasant experience yet with BRU so I’m jumping ship. The one bright spot of the trip: I bought a pregnancy pillow and I love it!

Hate to end this entry on a sour note so I’ll end on something warm and fuzzy. Dave and I celebrated our 5 Year Wedding Anniversary this week. I can’t believe its been 5 years! Without a doubt, I’m as happy now (and maybe even happier) as I was 5 years ago.