Scolari Baby Blog

A short and hopefully entertaining summary of our pregnancy and birth. Includes pictures.

Sunday, December 26, 2004

Week 14: 2nd Trimester Begins

I'm sleeping better, I'm no longer nauseous and I've officially hit the 2nd trimester. This is referred to as the "Golden Trimester" because its the easiest time during pregnancy. This seems to be the case for me. I've never felt better.

I go to my second Doctor's Appointment. Its pretty basic, I get weighed (I've gained 3lbs), my blood pressure is checked, yadda yadda. Best part: I hear the baby's heartbeat again. Dave is there too and he has this look of wonder. We agree that Newbie's hearbeat is a really cool sound.

Everyone says I'm going to have a boy, except my childhood friend Erin. She started having dreams I was pregnant back in October and thinks I may have a girl. All I want is a healthy baby.

Also, now that everyone knows I'm pregnant..I'm eating crow all over the place. I've been told I owe money, alcohol, and a grilled cheese sandwich over my losing long-standing bets regarding if I would ever have kids.