Scolari Baby Blog

A short and hopefully entertaining summary of our pregnancy and birth. Includes pictures.

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Week 38 - Exciting Week!

This week started out normal enough. It was my last week of work, so my efforts were spent tying up loose ends and saying goodbye to co-workers (for 20 weeks). On Wed, I went to my weekly baby appointment. The midwife noticed that a) my belly was XXL and b) there was a lot of fluid inside. Although all signs indicated both baby and I were fine, as a precaution she recommended I have an ultrasound to visually confirm everything was ok. So on Fri morning, Dave and I go to the hospital for our second ultrasound. We were both a little worried, because it is late in the pregnancy for another ultrasound. However, if there is a problem, better to know now than later.

The results: Baby is healthy and I do have extra fluid. However, the big news is that the estimated weight of the baby is 9lbs, 6oz. Yes, that is nearly 9 1/2 lbs of baby inside of me! I guess this explains the XXL belly. During the ultrasound, the tech unofficially told me what options may be presented, such as labor induction or even a c-section. It is likely that I will not be allowed to go far past my due date (which is OK by me).

That afternoon, I was able to go to work, tell my co-workers my ultrasound story, finish my goodbyes and officially start my maternity leave. I think I picked a good week to go on maternity leave, as I may be having my baby very soon!