Scolari Baby Blog

A short and hopefully entertaining summary of our pregnancy and birth. Includes pictures.

Saturday, November 20, 2004

Week 9: First Heartbeat

Week 9: First Doctor's Appointment. I fill out a bunch of paperwork. They go over all the dos and don'ts (see Week 5-8 for a summary). I have to get a bunch of lab work done. Nothing too exciting...Until I hear the baby's heartbeat for the first time. That was when it hit me...I'm pregnant. One of the coolest moments ever...

We decide to call the baby "Newbie" since we don't know the sex (and are not planning to find out).

Dave and I run the annual Turkey Trot. I actually jog the entire 5k. I feel pretty tough afterwards.

Saturday, November 13, 2004

Weeks 5-8: Still in Shock

Decided to take two more Pregnancy Tests to see if there were any false-positives. There were none. By this time, I'm reading alot about pregnancy, since I am pretty clueless about the entire process. Here are some of the things I've learned so far:

-Movies portray pregnancy as lasting approximately 9 months. In reality, pregnancy is really a 40 week (or ten month) process. The first month is a throwaway month because most women have no clue that they are pregnant until 5+ weeks.

-Here are some "donts". Sushi and other raw meat, alcohol and smoking (of course), deli meats and soft cheeses (listeria), most drugs (both legal and illegal). Caffeine: none is best, but it hasn't been banned yet.

-Here are some "dos". Prenatal vitamins, drink lots of water, and exercise.

I know for a fact that I broke every rule (except for smoking & drugs) in the first month. I spend a few days thinking I've ruined my kid. Then I think of my parents and my friends parents in the 70s... and then I relax.

I do not feel pregnant. No morning sickness. No tiredness. Nothing....