Scolari Baby Blog

A short and hopefully entertaining summary of our pregnancy and birth. Includes pictures.

Sunday, May 22, 2005

Week 35 – Winding Down

Things are winding down. Dave and I purchased the final items we needed for Newbie (bottles, nursing stuff, diaper changing pad, etc.). The room is pretty much put together. I'm wrapping up things at work in preparation for my maternity leave. I can't say I'm totally ready...but I'm almost there.

Physically I have good days and bad days. Good days I can walk around the neighborhood, play Frisbee and take the stairs. On the not so good days, I just want to lie on the couch and sleep. Mostly my days are pretty good (although I’m told this will change as I get closer to my due date).

Sunday, May 15, 2005

Week 34 – Comments and Response

This is what people are saying:
“You look like you are about to pop!”
“Are you sure you aren’t having twins?”
“Can you make it six more weeks?”

What can I say?
“No, there is only one baby.”
“Who knows?”

I suppose its all innocent… But does an 8-½ month pregnant woman really need to hear these comments?

Sunday, May 08, 2005

Week 33 – Childbirth Classes Begin

Dave and I attended our first childbirth class. It was mainly an introduction, where we discussed pregnancy issues more than labor/delivery issues. It’s recommended that we bring pillows, a blanket and bottled water to each class. Each week we will be doing floor exercises (breathing, positions, etc.) and watching birth videos. The first video makes childbirth really easy (no problems, I think she was actually smiling the entire time). I guess we’ll get to the difficult births over the next five weeks.

Sunday, May 01, 2005

Week 32 – 8 months down/ 8 weeks left

I can't believe its Month 8! As of now, I’ve gained 30 pounds (ok, its on the high side of normal but its not crazy high). Luckily, almost all the weight is in my belly. I may be huge, but I’m healthy (blood pressure – 114/68, sugar levels great, protein levels great, etc.).

Dave and I selected a pediatrician this week. If possible, I highly recommend choosing a pediatrician before baby is born because you will see him/her A LOT during the first two years. The last thing you want is to have a bad rapport with your baby’s doctor.

Finally, we had the Northern California baby shower at my Mom’s house. What can I say? It was a baby shower with a twist. It was co-ed, my Mom served Moroccan food and instead of talking baby stuff we discussed the new Star Wars movie. It was terrific seeing my friends again (probably for the last time before Newbie arrives). Again, everyone was very generous with their gift giving (thanks guys).

Next Week: Child Birth classes begin.